I'll be showing two of my wood cutout pieces this month at the Rain & Thunder show at Mize Gallery in St. Petersburg, Florida. (Chad is an amazing artist and if you aren't familiar with his work, I encourage you to look him up.)
Freeing myself from squares and rectangles aka canvasses has been an amazing challenge! It's refreshing to not be contained in the traditional painter shape. I find myself working in a completely different way and I think it makes my work more accessible. I draw these pieces on the computer first, then print them out and trace onto wood, cut them with a scroll saw and then paint and coat with glittery resin. Resin is the most challenging part by far and I have kind of a hate relationshipwith it. But it has taught me the value of working in a deliberate, focused way - if you mix it wrong you can ruin the whole piece! I am really happy with the finished results on these two.
This first one below is called The Swinger (17" x 23") - inspired by the famous painting, "The Swing" from French artist Jean-Honoré Fragonard in the 1700's. It's about focusing on the good things in life.

The second painting is called "I Am Thunder" (17" x 18") aka The Lightning Guy. It's about realizing that you have power over the course of your existence.

I feel these pieces were successful at combining both nature and design and a simple and precise style. The show will be up throughout July 2022. The opening is Friday July 8th:)
You can purchase stickers, t-shirts and other merch at https://www.etsy.com/shop/timimonster/?etsrc=sdt